Theory of Writing!

My theory of writing is truly based on what and how I express my thoughts on paper. Let me explain, everyone who has attended elementary school up to high school has experienced the same type of learning in regards to English and writing. By this I mean every teacher wanted everyone’s paper to be written in the same standard English we all have been taught throughout our whole lives. After my first year in college, I realized how unfair this was. Why? Because there are people all around the world and even states who have learned English differently. I put my mind and thought into it and I told myself “Is there a correct way to write English”, without a doubt the answer is NO. So why do we normalize this in all education systems? The answer still isn’t known. 

When I first walked into the class and was assigned my first assignment I knew what and how my writing was going to be like and it has been the same since I stepped foot into college. I am going to write it my way, by this I mean I’m not going to follow standard English protocols because I do not think it is right. I am going to write it the way I want to write it, which may contain slang, misspelled words, or some sentences that do not make any sense because I believe this is the right way to write English, which is any way we want. Although I don’t try to include any slang or misspelled words, I try my best to write it in a way that makes sense to any reader. For example, in many of my assignments for this class, I believe I had some run-on sentences or even some sentences that had no purpose. An example of this in my writing is “Throughout the 1800s the bicycle has been improving little by little and eventually an Englishman by the name of John Kemp Starley perfected the bike, which was the safest bike out of the ones invented before, which equalized the size of the wheels and introduced a chain drive that was implemented.” Which was first introduced in my Technical description assignment. The example I provided is a run-on sentence and there should’ve been some sort of pause in there besides the commas. Although I did not purposely do this, I thought it would make sense to have a sentence like that in the technical description. This is a clear example of what I mean by “My theory of writing is truly based on what and how I express my thoughts on paper.” 

What has contributed the most to my writing was the information learned in class. Professor Davidow did an amazing job teaching us students how to write certain papers and how to turn thoughts into writing. When the professor first introduced the assignment PSA, I was lost, I had no idea what to do or how to start it. But day by day and class by class I got a hang of it and it was one of the funniest and best assignments I have ever done because it mixed creativity and writing into one paper. The first PSA that was assigned to my group, was mostly creativity and a bit of writing, and working in a group made it so we had to communicate with one another. In the PSA we created, the professor introduced us to the library database, which was confusing at first but it was easily accessible, and from there the professor made us get data and websites in regards to our PSA which made our job easier. Not only did the use of the database used for the PSA it was also done for the Position Paper. An example of the database being used in my Position paper was when I quoted “‘In  the article “New York City leaders propose turning some fire hydrants into drinking fountains” written by Dave Carlin in 2024, the idea of turning fire hydrants into hydration stations has been introduced by Councilmember Erik Bottcher, he claims that converting fire hydrants into hydration stations will reduce plastic waste as well as provide water to people who need it.”’ This quote was directly taken from a website in the database that I used in my Position Paper about installing water stations across NYC. 

I believe my theory of writing can be applied both outside and inside classrooms because I think the way I write and the way I believe English should be written/spoken is the right way. There shouldn’t be a specific way English should be written or spoken because everyone has been taught differently and interprets it differently. So yes my opinion of the theory of writing can be used anywhere, but it also depends on the situation you are in and the environment. You do not want to send an email to someone, more specifically your boss unprofessionally you have to take into consideration what is happening or who you are writing to.  

The way I write is exactly how I think although it may not make any sense, I believe that’s what English is about, you cannot expect a student to write in perfect English that everyone knows because we all interpret English differently, this is why I accept my theory of writing the way it is and I would not change a single bit of it.

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